Put a Bird on Her

William Hole’s bizarre map of the Severn and its tributaries personifies the famous puffin island of Lundy as “a lusty black-browed girl with forehead broad and high / that often had bewitched the sea gods with her eye.” This nymph whose only joy it is to watch the birds that feed on her shores is, appropriately, crowned with one of them.

Michael Drayton, whose Poly Olbion the map illustrates, names only one species among the fowl breeding on the island: “the birds of Ganymed.”

I don’t know how many pairs of golden eagles bred on Lundy in the seventeenth century, but I’m guessing it wasn’t many — and that long-legged heronish kind of a thing just can’t be meant as one. No “umfangend umfangen” here, I’m afraid.

I suspect instead that Drayton confused the bird of Ganymede with the equally famous bird of Diomede.

Equally famous, but much more mysterious. While Linnaeus would fix the name Diomedea to the great albatrosses, by 1758 the birds in the myth had been identified with a wide variety of seabirds. Ovid says that they were like swans but not swans; Pliny seems to suggest that they resembled coots. Aldrovandi was confident that Venus had turned Acmon and his men into shearwaters. Cuvier believed that the birds were common shelducks. And Gurney, obsessed as he was with sulids, identifies the bird atop Lundy’s tresses as a northern gannet.

Me? I don’t know. But it looks like she’s having a hard time balancing it.




Greater and Lesser Ripples

greater yellowlegs, lesser yellowlegs

Of all the ways to tell lesser and greater yellowlegses apart, one of the least appreciated is the difference in behavior. Greaters are violent and fast, rushing through the water like avocets, heads asway, while lessers are less frantic, picking and stepping high as they feed.

On a beautiful calm fall day like today, all you have to do is look for the ripples on the pond.

greater yellowlegs, lesser yellowlegs



International events affect everything we do — right down to our choice of birdhouses.

This little bit of throwaway chauvinism was published in Bird Lore in the last months of the First World War.

I wonder what we patriots will be called on to reject next.



Maybe You Already Know This

But I didn’t. Not until fairly recently, at least.

Filippo Picinelli’s famous Mundus symbolicus is on line pretty much all over the place. And Book IV, treating the emblematic use of birds, is hugely productive, and hugely under-exploited, font of information about the “properties,” real and imagined, of birds and their meanings.

There is Some.Very.Weird.Stuff in here.

Northern Lapwing

Northern lapwings, for example, can stand for the words of the heretic, attractive at first but foolish and obscene when examined by the intellect. Or they can be the soul cleansed in baptism that falls back into sin. And so on, depending on what you happen to want it to mean.

Note that the Mundus is not an emblem book itself but rather an encyclopedia serving as an index. I’ve found it pretty difficult all in all to track down the actual emblemata Picinelli describes, but practice makes slightly better.

Have fun!


Magnus von Wright

Today we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the death of the painter of one of my all-time favorite red-breasted mergansers, the Finnish artist and ornithologist Magnus von Wright.

I know rather little about him — wikipedia is my friend, I suppose — and I have never seen his most famous bird illustrations, published in the three-volume Svenska Fåglar

I will learn more next July, no doubt, when we assemble in Stockholm on the 151st anniversary to explore the birds and art of the Baltic Sea.
