Just Rumps

Vancouver’sJericho Park was covered with warblers this afternoon, but try as I might, I couldn’t find anything other than Yellow-rumps.

That’s an insidious “but,” of course, suggesting as it does that Yellow-rumped Warbler is somehow lesser than the other possible parulids. It is indeed much more abundant than any other, but that doesn’t make this species any less interesting. Or these species.

The birding world is abuzz with anticipation of a re-split of the yellow-rumped warblers, which were lumped almost 40 years ago in the great taxonomic massacre of the 1973 AOU Supplement. Now the Check-list Committee is evaluating a proposal to recognize at least two separate species in Dendroica coronata as now construed (and to correct the genus name to Setophaga–but that’s another story).

Both white-throated Myrtle Warblers and yellow-throated Audubon’s Warblers breed in British Columbia, and both are common migrants here in the Vancouver area, with the latter taxon generally the more abundant. Apparent hybrids and intergrades are easy to find if you look; one bird this afternoon had the yellow throat of an Audubon’s and the white malars and reduced white on the greater coverts of a Myrtle–I’m not sure I ever heard it chip, unfortunately.

The AOU Committee doesn’t much care what a birder wants, but still I hope for the split. And if it comes, I think we’ll all start paying attention again to what have for too long been “just yellow-rumps.”


Eagles of the Mind

Another beautiful morning at Jericho Park, spring threatening to break out all over in spite of the gray skies.

I’d gone in hopes of passerine migrants, and there were plenty of Audubon’s (and a couple of Myrtle) Warblers and Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets around. But the best bird of the morning was a falcon, a tiny male American Kestrel that floated south through the bunny theater, sending the Golden-crowned and White-crowned Sparrows scampering off into the brush.

Bigger raptors were easy to find, of course: just listen to the Northwestern Crows.

I was standing underneath this adult Bald Eagle, trying unsuccessfully to read the band on its right tarsus, when a tiny woman on a bicycle paused to tell me that if I wanted to see an eagle, I should try Spanish Banks.

I might have stammered a little as I thanked her, but by now, after a year and a bit in Vancouver, I’m pretty much used to it. People here know that there are eagles around, they know it’s a big deal, but not one in a hundred has ever seen one–even when they’re looking straight at them.

I have no idea how many occupied nests are within easy walking distance of our apartment, but just offhand I can think of three; birds from those aeries and unattached non-breeders are in the sky pretty much constantly, visible and often audible from even the busiest Vancouver street.

It’s no great surprise that most Vancouverites don’t notice them, big and noisy as they (the eagles!) are. But the fact that they still talk about them, that they assume that anyone with binoculars must be out looking for eagles, speaks volumes about the cultural weight of these birds. Just knowing they’re out there really matters to the locals, whether they know what they look like or not.


More Gull’s Backs

Gellert and I spent a little time looking at gulls yesterday at Jericho Park, as usual relishing the irony of sorting through the abundant Mew Gulls in search of Ring-billed Gulls.

The light on a misty morning was perfect for looking at variation in back color, of which Mew Gulls, of course, show considerable. I think of Ring-billed Gulls as much more consistently colored, adults (almost!) invariably pale gray, which made the duo in the photo all the more interesting. From whatever angle I chose, the left-hand bird remained conspicuously dark-mantled; to my surprise, the photo came out quite close to naked-eye reality.

It doesn’t “mean” anything, but it’s still fun to discover a little bit of variation in even the most common species. They can turn out to be less boringly familiar than you think sometimes.


An Unwelcome Arrival

It felt like a morning for spring arrivals, all damp and warm, so Gellert and I struck out for Jericho Park. Our walk was pleasant enough, and there was a small fall of Red-shafted Flickers and American Robins, but our hopes for novelty went unfulfilled.

Except by this.

This lone Mute Swan was out on English Bay, far from the allurements of the duck pond, and presumably got there under its own power. The nearest source is Lost Lagoon, a couple of miles away in Stanley Park, but I’m told that all those birds are pinioned; the closest obviously feral swans that I know of are on Westham Island, five or six miles south.

Or maybe this is Canada’s first wild Mute Swan.

Yeah sure.


Pacific Wrens

After a couple of weeks of desultory snatches of song, Pacific Wrens have really started to fill the woods with their trills.

Click on the photo and turn up the volume to hear a couple of birds singing at each other in Jericho Park.
